AnalogueWorks Reviews
TT Zero (Stereophile July 2017)
Setting up the Zero is easy — I’ve done it now at last five times.
I sat, eyes closed, strongly affected by nothing other than the truth of the tones I was experiencing. The choir is revealed as a mass of individual voices, each one unique in sound and position.
The Zero ran about as silently as my Linn LP12, but delivered a noticeably different quality of silence. With the Zero, empty spaces in the music seemed deeper and darker — and emptier.
For under $2000, I can’t imagine a better basic turntable.
Audia Flight Reviews
Strumento Nº 1 mk 2 Preamplifier (HiFi Statement December 2016)
HiFi Statement, December 2016
Review by Dirk Sommer
Read full review (in German; Google Translate for English)
“The Strumento N° 1 mk 2 combines speed and clarity in an uncomplicated way with joy and liveliness: no trace of cold analytics!”
“Audia Flight’s ‘constant impedance attenuator’ leaves other solutions far behind and makes possible the extremely extended frequency response from three hertz to a megahertz with a deviation at a maximum of three decibels and a rise rate of more than 250 volts per microsecond in the entire level range from -90 to +10 decibels.”
“Audia Flights mk 2 version of the Strumento N° 1 is a near-perfect high-end preamplifier: it combines unbelievable dynamic abilities, tremendous attention to detail and precise recording with coherent tonality. Powerful sound colors and a basic bass fundament ensure that even less successful recordings remain always enjoyable despite high resolution and bright rooms: the finest Italian engineering and craftsmanship for a great musical experience!”
FLS3 Integrated Amplifier ( November 2016), November 2016
Review by Thomas Schmidt
Read full review (in German; Google Translate for English)
“The Audia Flight 3S is a kind of dream combination within one box in our current test field. “
“Seriously, the combination plays so absolutely casually on such a high level that one seriously has to ask whether you have to spend another cent more on HiFi.”
“The phono stage performs at the level of a (much more expensive) external solution and only after prolonged listening can one determine a slightly more limited capability by comparison. Since these are really only the finest nuances, I can not help but recommend the whole package ’round – it is so good!”
Strumento Nº 4 Stereo Amplifier (AV Showrooms June 2015)
AV Showrooms, June 2015
Review by Myles Astor
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“It’s the least solid state sounding amplifier I’ve heard…” “…but never dark or compressed sounding.”
“The Strumento presentation is effortless with all music being reproduced with a sense of ease.” “Wonderfully Transparent with a sound stage not giving anything up to tubes.”
“The Strumento simply puts detail in the right place.”
FL3 S Integrated Amplifier (Stereonet June 2015)
Stereonet, June 2015
Review by Mark Gusew
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“I really didn’t know a lot about the brand and their products. And I hadn’t had the pleasure of hearing any of them, until this review product came along. Boy, have I been missing out!
“It’s obvious to me that the FL3S is an incredibly well made component, where every detail has been carefully thought out for the discriminating high-end audio enthusiast.”
“You will never feel short changed as far as sound quality goes. It’s easily the best integrated amplifier I’ve heard in my system.”
FL3 Integrated and FL3 CD Player ( May 2014), May 2014
Review by Anthony Nicosla
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“Give them some good source material, good cabling, than add full range loudspeakers if you can and off you will go towards audio nirvana.”
“…both get a very strong-thumb up recommendation.”
Strumento Nº 4 Stereo Amplifier (Audiophilia October 2013)
Audiophilia, October 2013
Review by Anthony Kershaw
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“The Strumento n4 not only matched my benchmarks for outstanding solid state amplifiers (models by Rowland, Burmester, Moon, Boulder), it has become a favourite.”
“We always knew that the Italians had style and flair, but I would not have imagined the Italians could match the best of Canada, the US and Germany for innovation and technical execution. A wonderful musical and technical achievement.”
Strumento Nº 1 and Nº 4 ( September 2013)
Six Moons, September 2013
Review by Edgar Kramer
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“Female and male vocals were outstandingly real and present via this talented pairing. Lifelike—there is that word again—”.
“Yes there’s an increasing number of companies releasing electronics and speaker systems which reach towards stratospheric price points even above the aforementioned $50K mark. Heck, just off the top of my head as I write I can think of around ten! The Strumento N° 1 and No 4 are around a quarter and third of that. Could the Strumenti be poster boys/gals for the ‘diminishing returns’ maxime? Perhaps”
“Rest assured that these components are truly superb sonic performers built to spectacular standards on par with the very best.”
Strumento Nº 1 (Audiophilia August 2013)
Audiaphilia, August 2013
Review by Anthony Kershaw
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“Structurally, the n1 is a beast. The design is Italian, but with a Germanic heft.”
“Once again, the AF loved to get timbres correct — piccolo (always swamped in this recording), bow on strings in the scrambling 6/8, and bass drum clear as a bell in the back of the Jesus Christ Church in Berlin.”
FL3 CD Player (Audiophilia March 2011)
Review by Andy Fawcett
“Setting aside the expected veneer of objectivity, the bottom line for me was that everything that came out of the CD Three (good recordings, bad recordings, any genre of music you like) was just so damn musical, so damn enjoyable! I still don’t really have a handle on what it is, but there’s something fundamental in the ability to communicate the spirit of a piece of music that this player does extremely well.”
“Based on the performance of this entry-level machine, there is clearly much to recommend the Audia Flight brand.”
“…the prospect of having to send the CD Three back was too much to bear … yes, I bought it!”
Neat Acoustics Reviews
Iota ALPHA Follow Up (Stereophile June 2017)
Stereophile, June 2017
Follow Up Review by Herb Reichert
Full Review
“I like them!…better than all those other speakers you have. These don’t dominate the room. They leave space to move around.” – a direct quote from Herb’s girlfriend bb!
“But forget my anxious-reviewer mishegas. All those technical observations — and a lot more critical listening — showed me exactly how the Iota ALPHAs were delivering lively, tuneful, reasonably accurate reproductions of music that were bigger and stronger than I ever would have imagined.”
“After all this, it’s more apparent than ever that Ken Micallef is not only a good writer but an astute audio reviewer, and I see the NEAT Iota ALPHAs as being very good, quasi-audiophile, set-them-up-once-and-forget-them, Herb-and-bb-live-happily-ever-after loudspeakers.”
Meet Your Maker - NEAT Acoustics (HiFi+ May 2017)
Story by Alan Sircom

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“Six people including the boss is fairly typical for mid-sized loudspeaker makers, but Neat is not a typical loudspeaker maker. It may sound like cliché, but Neat is truly born out of sheer music making passion, the kind that is almost unheard of in the audio industry.”
“Five of those six workers in Bob Surgeoner’s factory are practicing musicians, and the one exception is Chris, who is learning to play the guitar, at the tender age of 65.”
“The brand makes four distinct lines, all of which have a combination of music-driven sonic direction and a refreshing sense of Northern British pragmatism, that makes even the most expensive loudspeaker in the range – the Ultimatum XL10 – still cost less than a few metres of the more outré loudspeaker cables.”
Iota ALPHA (Stereophile February 2017)

Review by Ken Micallef
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“The design is unique: a foot-and-a-half-tall floorstander!”
“The NEAT’s wide-range resolution of touch and timing created something unique in my experience.”
“What the Iota ALPHA has going for it is exceptional resolution and high-frequency extension, solid midrange performance, and exceptional reproduction of the low end for a box of its size. But the little Iota ALPHA’s biggest achievement is the pure physicality and refined force of its sound. Record after record, I felt I was hearing not only new information but, to a lesser degree, a new performance.”
Iota ALPHA ( October 2016)

…the Iota ALPHA is truly tiny. Standing a mere 45 centimeters tall, it is smaller than some stand-mount speakers I have reviewed over the years.
If you stop having fun and sit there dissecting the Iota ALPHA’s performance, you are left with the conclusion that a fair bit of its ability stems from the sheer effortlessness that it can relay the audible spectrum.
The caveat to this is that once in situ, you may not be able to see the Iota ALPHA at all. From my listening position, one speaker is totally invisible and the other pretty hard to spot. This is a bold move from a relatively conventional speaker manufacturer but it does make a considerable amount of sense. Not only does the Iota ALPHA have a small physical footprint, it can hide away in rooms in a way that most rivals can’t.
IOTA Alpha (The EAR September 2016)
THE EAR, September 12, 2016
Review by Trevor Butler
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“This review has taken longer than expected because it’s been so hard to tear myself away from these most enjoyable, highly involving loudspeakers to put pen to paper.”
“While they sang on the end of a modest A/V receiver, the little Alphas really came to life with much more upmarket power amps, showing just what a thoroughbred of a speaker they are.”
IOTA Alpha (WORDS AND MUSIC June 2016)
WORDS AND MUSIC, June 7, 2016
Review by Andrew Everard
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“The innovative little floorstanders from Neat Acoustics are here: and they’re every bit as magical as first demonstrations suggested.”
“The real magic of these speakers is the way that image just hangs in the air before you.”
“if you want to introduce a dose of magic into your system, the Neat Iota Alpha really is a must-listen.”
Motive SX2 (WHAT HI-FI June 2014)
WHATHIFI, June 2014
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“Use the NEATs in a small or medium-sized room and you will be taken aback.”
“The sense of enthusiasm is infectious. These speakers want you to have a good time, and it doesn’t take long before we are merrily tapping our feet along to the music.”
IOTA (The Absolute Sound May 2014)
The Absolute Sound, May 2014
Review by Neil Gader
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“This is a loudspeaker with a complete lack of pretension. Its warm, relaxed midrange represents a total rejection of the culture of souped-up, sonic hype we’ve all encountered at one time or another.”
“A sound that instantly put this listener at ease.”
Motive SX1 ( March 2014), March 2014
“…performance gusto and expressivity of high caliber with a measure of liveliness in the mid/treble registers that was clearly above and beyond their price range.”
Motive SX2 (Top Gear Audio October 2013)
Top Gear Audio, October 2013
Review by Malcom Stewart
“The NEAT Motive SX2 is a phenomenal loudspeaker with a presentation that is so musically beguiling that it verges on the supernatural.”
Ultimatum XL10 (HIFI+ October 2012)
HIFI+, Issue No. 93, October 2012
Review by Malcom Stewart
“Indubitably, the Ultimatum XL10 makes an unwaivering statement regardless of the music one chooses to play through it. Suitably powered, the XL10 presents all manner of music with a rarely experienced ease, control and coherence. Ultimately, if you crave a musically persuasive performance but also desire the scrupulous insight of a high-end loudspeaker, be certain to place the Neat Ultimatum XL10 at the top of your list of models to audition.”
IOTA (WHAT HI-FI April 2012)
WHATHIFI, April 2012
“But however you use the Neats, you’re not going to feel short-changed by the detail, weight and scale on offer: whether with pacey rock or pop, or complex classical works, these speakers sound truly remarkable, and should be auditioned.”
Ultimatum XLS (HiFi Critic July-September 2011)
HIFICRITIC, Volume 5, No. 3, July-September 2011
Review by Martin Colloms
“ exemplifies capable and painstaking design where a proper understanding of the values expressed in music has been applied… the Ultimatum XLS played well beyond any expectations that its modest physical dimensions might suggest, and is so accurate and friendly to the ears that a confident recommendation is assured.”
Ultimatum XLS ( October 2011), October 11, 2011
Review by Malcom Steward
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“A small loudspeaker that is truly mesmerizing and emotionally moving.”
“The first thing one notices about this compact loudspeaker, invariably, is the quantity and quality of bass it produces. It sounds more like a much larger loudspeaker but with small speaker speed and accuracy. In truth, the NEAT XLS deserves the attention of anyone seriously looking for a small, stand-mount loudspeaker that is astoundingly in tune with music – regardless of the genre.
Ultimatum XL6 (HIFI+ December 2011)
HIFI+, Issue No. 84, December 2011
Review by Malcom Stewart
“NEAT speakers have a rare and consistent musical empathy and ‘rightness’ about their presentation that can be absolutely spell-binding.”
” The technical prowess of the XL6 certainly delivers musical performances that are utterly captivating and enchanting…”
“The Neat XL6, in particular, when driven by empathetic source and amplifier(s), moves closer to the performance than virtually any other loudspeaker I have experienced to date.”
Petite SX (WHAT HIFI June 2011)
WHAT HIFI, June 2011
“The Winner…”
“The classic PETITE SX loudspeaker has topped a comprehensive group test of compact loudspeakers in the June 2011 issue of What HiFi magazine. Contenders included comparable models from Acoustic Energy, Elac, Dali, Spendor, and Tannoy.”
“Excellent resolution, timing and focus make for a compelling listen…to hear them is to love them.”
Ultimatum XL6 ( April 2011), April 2011
Reviewed by Ralph Warner
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“I really enjoyed its particular mix of taut wiry bottom half, slightly soft upper mids and that gorgeous smooth airiness in the firmament. For once long-term pleasure and an impulsive energetic read weren’t mutually exclusive.”
“First and foremost Neat’s Ultimatum XL6 is a true all’rounder with exceptional bandwidth.”
Elite SX (HI-FI WORLD February 2010)
HI-FI WORLD, February 2010
Review by David Price
“Unerringly musical and consummately enjoyable, this loudspeaker is an essential audition for rhythm seekers.”
Momentum 3i (HI-FI Choice November 2007)
HI-FI Choice, November 2007
Review by Paul Messenger
“This is a brilliant standout that sounds a lot bigger than it looks, boasting exceptional coherance and an impressively wide dynamic range. It’s a great musical communicator at a very realistic price….”
Motive 1 (HI-FI Choice February 2006)
HI-FI CHOICE, February 2006
Review by Paul Messenger
“Neutral tonal balance and an unusually wide bandwidth are and excellent start for any speaker, but are by no means the whole story here. The midband is exceptionally expressive and coherent, bringing unusual realism to individual voices. And, while the presence band remains beautifully open and free from any nasal tendencies, there’s no tendency for this speaker to sound aggressive when the volume is wound up, which is an unusually clever trick.
The sound as a whole is agile and impressively free from any boxy colourations, generating precise and well-focused stereo images that fill the space between the speaker without betraying the Motive 1’s physical locations. This speaker has the sort of agility and freedom from enclosure effects that one normally only associates with high-quality standmount designs.
This compact floorstander combines superb neutrality, fine open voicing, low coloration and out-of-box imaging with surprisingly good bass extension… an outstanding example of a top-quality compact floorstanding speaker.”
Signal Projects Reviews
Alpha Interconnects ( January 2017), January 2017 (Google translated from Chinese)
Click Here to Open PDF of Review
“…an all rounder for it’s price tag. Sound is balanced, highly detailed, and musical.”
“It’s highs are smooth, sweet and stress free; not artificial at all.”
Hydra Interconnects (Hi-Fi News)
HiFi News
John Banford
Click Here to Open PDF of Review
“I found Signal Projects’ Hydra interconnects helped make music sound truly alive.”
“The Hydra cables made it easier to listen into such records, rather like giving clean windows a final polish.”
Hydra Interconnects and Power Cords (Mono and 2013)
Mono and 2013
Matej Isak
Read Full Review
“And sound? No adding, no subtracting with enough transparency.”
“Nick Korakakis background is in pro audio and it shows by all
mean in most positive way. Everything about his cables is logical and transparent. No mushrooms here. Professional approach without mystification and mileage of experience raising a bar above mediocre.”
Hydra Speaker Cables (Sound Rebels 2013)
Sound Rebels 2013
Marcin Olszewski and Jacek Pazio
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“If you will see this as a recommendation – I will leave that up to you, but when you encounter somewhere those British-Greek braids (sic) please sit down for a moment, listen to your favorite music and then start writing a message to Santa.” – Marcin
“But with Hydra, it was no longer a dark recording, but a happening full of nuances, a reproduction of the imagination of the artist and the recording engineer. The lack of breath, which was present before in the music disappeared, the instruments reverberated freely, and the vocalist sung more ethereal.” – Jacek
Verity Audio Reviews
Leonore (AVHub February 2014)
AVHub February 2014
Review by Edgar Kramer
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“Elegant sophistication in form and sound. That’s how I’d sum-up Verity Audio’s Leonore design.”
“As further evidence of the attention to detail, the veneers were perfectly book-matched on all the speakers’ facets and the overall fit and finish is truly superb.”
“Whether it’s an homage to the heroic wife in Beethoven’s opera Fidelio or just a reference to the name’s literal meaning (‘purest shining light’), there’s little doubt that the Leonore is a gorgeous statement with a great potential to truly sing.”
Finn (The Absolute Sound March 2010)
“For awhile, there’s no speaker, no system whatsoever in the room. These were the moments I savored with the Finn.”
“…greater attention must be paid to room setup to extract its full potential. But it’s time well spent with a speaker that offers a great many musical rewards.”
“With its shimmering, pearl-white lacquer finish setting off a series of gentle angles and seamless non-parallel cabinet surfaces, this a speaker that could grace the home of the innovative architect… If you look at it head-on, the narrow front baffle disguises the true depth of the Finn; viewed from the side, the cabinet deepens as it descends to its heavily-spiked base. This is a speaker that doesn’t have a bad angle.”
Sarastro II (Stereophile April 2009)
“The first thing I noticed was how airy and free-flowing the music sounded.”
‘From top to bottom, instruments sounded like themselves in tone, timbre, dynamics, and (to the degree the recording captured it) size—even when many different instruments were playing simultaneously.”
“…definitely give Verity’s Sarastro II a listen: it’s musically involving and punctiliously precise.”
Leonore (Stereophile September 2009)

“…boasts a claimed efficiency of 93dB, meaning it’ll require very few watts to really sing.”
“Along with a compact footprint and graceful cabinet, the Leonore offered a detailed and involving sound, and wasn’t afraid to rock.”
Vibex Reviews
Vibex One 11R Reference Power Block (Mono & Stereo 2016)
MONO & STEREO, By Matej Isak
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“Vibex One 11R reference Power Block kicks in like a hurricane. F1 like, very fast, open, transparent in nature and resolving in the performance blast. It lets the energy through without obvious reservations. Yes, I liked it a lot even from the first few songs in play.”
“For the design approach, given price and most importantly the performance impact of Vibex One 11R Outlet Power Block I’m happily giving out the Mono & Stereo Highly Recommended Award.”
Alhambra with Granada Dual DC ( August 2014)

This is powerful stuff
When British transplant to Spain Cliff Orman designed his Vibex Granada Dual DC filter which I reviewed, he’d deliberately laid it out to subsequently serve as dock for the matching Alhambra AC Filter.
Regardless where in this picture you come down, it’s undeniable that power delivery has a profound effect on the feel and gestalt of our playback once the signal-path hardware has been addressed to our ability and satisfaction. Vibex have quietly worked this sector for many years. They seem to have perfected their craft without fanfare or glossy ads.