Alan Sircom of HiFi+ Magazine recently took some time to sit down with Neat Acoustics’ founder and chief designer Bob Surgeoner. Alan’s article is a great read! And his conclusion says a lot about Neat Acoustics and why HFS’s founder Paul Manos has dedicated years since the founding of his company to this unique British loudspeaker manufacturer:
“The brand makes four distinct lines, all of which have a combination of music-driven sonic direction and a refreshing sense of Northern British pragmatism, that makes even the most expensive loudspeaker in the range – the Ultimatum XL10 – still cost less than a few metres of the more outré loudspeaker cables. At the other end of the scale, products like the excellent diminutive Iota Alpha floorstanders came about as a result of Bob wanting a loudspeaker that could fit into his small living room. Music is something to be shared and enjoyed by as many people as possible – not simply an elite – and the affordable nature of Neat’s lines reflect this.”

Neat’s studio features their top of the line XLS monitor and their most affordable Iota monitor

Bob Surgeoner doing what he loves most and what drives Neat Acoustics: music!

Neat’s listening room featuring the Momentum SX7i and Iota on this day. And, of course, some classic electronics and turntable from UK manufacturers.

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