Verity Audio, Audia Flight, TW Acustic, Unity Audio Design, & Custom Design UK
A co-venture with Jeff Catalano of Highwater Sound this year yielded nothing short of “analog bliss” and proved, once again, that a well done analog system still reigns supreme in high performance audio sound quality. Jeff’s well known expertise in room setup, analog gear, and record selections were instrumental in creating what so many attendees felt was clearly the best sound of show. Distributed by Highwater Sound of NYC, Jeff’s front end consisted of TW Acustics’ Raven GT SE turntable and TW Acustic Phono Section.
Making their USA show debut, Audia Flight’s Strumento No. 8 monoblocks and Verity Audio’s new Amadis S loudspeakers added to the magic along with Audia’s Strumento No. 1 reference preamplifier, Unity Audio Design cables, and Custom Design UK’s equipment rack. Audia Flight’s Strumento series simply defies being categorized as “solid state or tube sound” and simply goes about its job providing unparalleled, no-signature sound.
“The partnership of Jeffrey Catalano of New York City’s High Water Sound and Paul Manos of Hingham, MA’s High Fidelity Services was not only felicitous, equipmentwise, but also provided some of my finest musical experiences at AXPONA.”
“It was also, hands down, the most intimate and emotionally revealing experience I have ever had of a violin reproduced so up close and personal. The clarity with which Oistrakh’s violin sang his heart out was extraordinary. You can quote me.”
“In my opinion, if you’ve got the cash, and you love analog, this is a system to grab. It produced more than one of the best sounds of the show—it demonstrated how the marriage great electronics, setup expertise, and musical taste can move us to the core.”
Jason Victor Serinus
“The High Water Sound & High Fidelity Services room was a showstopper for me. Even though I was running like crazy, when I stopped and sat down in this room. I knew I’d be there a while. This was easily the best system I heard that featured an analog rig. Hell, it was one of the best rooms I heard all weekend.”
“Paul Manos of High Fidelity Services and Jeff Catalano of High Water Sound are to be commended for the quality of sound this system was producing consistently all weekend.”
Dave Thomas
Audio Shark:
“Verity with AudiaFlight. GORGEOUS sound.”