Verity Audio, Lamm, TechDas (Air Force One), Graham, EMM Labs, & Kubala Sosna
Pulling out the “stops” this year at CES, our Verity Audio Lohengrin IIS loudspeakers floored crowds this year on the 35th floor of the Venetian. Driven by Lamm electronics, and an TechDas Airforce One turntable system, the room was transformed into a virtual recital hall, convincingly conveying the realism of live pipe organ music among other selections. Though no longer Verity’s flagship speaker system, the updated Lohengrin IIS clearly sits among the finest loudspeaker systems available.
Visitors and press were kind enough to present the following feedback:
Absolute Sound – Voted the room second best of the entire show. “The Sound was drop dead Gorgeous.” Jonathan Valin
Stereophile – “From the short time I was able to spend in the room, the sound was simply superb.” Larry Greenhill
Audio Beat – “I have named Lamm systems as among the best I have heard at so many shows that it is beginning to be redundant, but the big Lamm/Tech DAS/emm labs/Verity system unmistakably earned its spot here…” Paul Bolin
AV Showrooms – “2015 Gold Show Winner” Peter Breuninger
AV Showrooms YouTube Video: click here